Social Media Posting – How Often Should You Do It?


There’s only one thing more important than making a great first impression and that is… (wait for it…) making a great second impression. Here’s why.

Determining a social media posting strategy for a smaller, younger business is different than the game-plan for a larger, more mature enterprise. A smaller business is much more sensitive to budget, time, the lack of knowledge/expertise and getting quick results than a larger business. Smaller businesses that are new to social media may want to consider an MVP (minimum viable presence) at first and then grow into a more elaborate approach over time. The worst thing a small business can do is have no presence on social media. (or have a very weak, inconsistent presence) These days, when somebody meets you at an event, they are going to check you out online. The second impression they have of you and your business will be your online activity. Are you active? Are you consistently and frequently posting good content? Is your head in the game? Are you on top of your industry, trends, solutions? A prospective client can answer all of these questions about you in just a few minutes by visiting your social profiles. The following article from Newscred does a great job educating us on some of the best posting practices for social media. Please read and enjoy. They have a website full of great content for marketers.

Jim Anthony – So-Mark Founder

Source: | Re-Post So-Mark 9/22/2016

Although many sources may claim to know the best day and time to post, a strategic social media strategy ultimately depends on your location, type of business, and type of audience. For a B2B company like NewsCred, we choose to stop using social media to market to brands and instead choose to start communicating with people. To do so, brands need to know the right place and the right time to share, so NewsCred created a guide to help you along the way.


When formulating your social media strategy, timing and frequency are paramount to ensuring your content reaches your audience at the right place and right time. Many sources claim to know the best times to post. However, these sources often contradict each other with differing statistics, often because companies will release the dates and times they receive the most engagement. This is flawed as not every company is reaching the same demographic, and ultimately taking a one size fits all approach is not efficient because many factors contribute to which platforms your audience are on and when they’re most likely to be active.

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