Orig. Post by AWeber | Re-Post March 4, 2015
When’s the last time you updated your blog? Posted on social media? Sent your customers an email? Optimized your website content? If the answer to any of these is, “It’s been a while,” it’s okay. Follow these quick tips to get your content back on track.
- If you haven’t shown your email subscribers some love in a while, you may want to consider a reactivation campaign.
- People who haven’t heard from you need a little refresher on your business. When you reach out to them again, show your value. Give them some useful tips or a checklist, tell them about any new product updates and/or offer them a coupon code to grab their interest again.
- Before you hit send, set up an A/B split test to see which subject lines resonate with your audience.
- How many social channels does your business use? If you’ve neglected social, you may be spreading yourself too thin. Focus on just one or two channels that make sense for your business.
- To get back into the social media groove, follow industry influencers to stay in touch with current news. Retweet or repost relevant information your own readers would find beneficial.
- Give your followers a sneak peek of new blog and email content whenever you post something new.
- Create a social sharing schedule and test posting messages at different times of the day. This will help your social media content get more traffic.
- No time to write? Create an RSS feed of blogs in your industry. Then in your blog, you can create weekly or bi-weekly a round-up of your favorite articles.
- What’s going on in your industry? Pick a hot topic and explain what it means for your customers.
- What problem does your business solve? Why should anyone bother using your products/services? Explain why in a blog post.
- Look at your website analytics and check out what people are searching for on your website. Write a blog post about it.
- Make your blog content work for you. Tease it in your email list and on your social channels.
- Test your existing website copy to see what’s working and what isn’t.
- Give some love to your title tag – this is what shows up in search engine results, so make sure it reflects your targeted keywords.
- Adjusting your header tags (these are your post titles – the H1s) to reflect your keyword will also help your website pop up more in searches.
- Take a look at your website copy in terms of features vs. benefits. Does your business help save your customers time? Money? Hassle? Put your business’s benefits at the forefront of all your website copy.
Don’t sweat it if you haven’t been able to give your content the attention it deserves. Your content will always be a work in progress – don’t be afraid to test, adjust and try again!