Revise Your 2017 Budget If It Omits Content Marketing

The Content Marketing Institute states:

Content marketing is a marketing technique of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.

If distribution among a defined audience is part of the goal, it makes sense to be using all channels of communication that are easily accessible (and make sense to your business) to reach that goal. Content Marketing with email and social media channels is easily the most cost effective and accessible avenue to do just that.

  • Cost effective in that, “Content marketing reduces the cost per lead.” according to HubSpot’s 2014 State of Inbound Survey. “Researchers found that B2B companies paid far less for content marketing (inbound) than traditional outbound marketing. Inbound marketing doubles the average conversion rate of websites to 12 percent.”
  • Easily accessible in that basic social media services are all free and the cost for email distribution platforms can be cost-effective for the size audience you are reaching out to.

In this article, dives into more statistic evidence of Content Marketing’s importance and provides some ideas of what successful Content Marketing budgets look like.

Jim Anthony | So-Mark Founder

Source: | Re-Post So-Mark 2/23/2017 –


The marketing world is constantly evolving. A century ago, there were few options for spending your marketing dollars. Then came radio, followed by television, followed by the internet. The internet may have been the greatest game-changer in the history of marketing, leveling the playing field so that small businesses and entrepreneurs could compete with major corporations. The internet also allowed companies to compete regardless of their geographical location.

Needless to say, with everyone having the ability to market online, the internet quickly became a very crowded place. Users were inundated with marketing messages, and they became very adept at ignoring them. Forward-thinking marketers took the time to learn what people really wanted when they went online. Websites became easier to navigate, responsive web design took off and mobile-friendly sites became basic requirements. However, these early pioneers also learned that people want to be informed and engaged. They want to be educated about a company and its products, watch helpful videos and even be entertained.

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