8 Facts About B2B Content Marketing

Leading with data has become a mantra for many organizations over the past two decades. Organizing analytics, graphing trends, and creating reports to measure successes and opportunities is not new. And when something works, it is replicated and expanded all while still trying to bring in another repeatable process.

To that end, data tells us content marketing works. B2B organizations using content marketing as a part of their marketing plan have risen 2% in just one year. As a believer in the power of 1%, double that translates into big numbers for small businesses. And just as all organizations measure their sales teams on Key Performance Indicators, marketing can be measured in the same manner to create scalable and replicable processes to maintain and grow a strong customer outreach plan.

CustomerReach.com provides even more data in this article on why Content Marketing is an important key to all organizational marketing plans and help you rate your current marketing efforts.

Jim Anthony | So-Mark Founder

Source: customerthink.com | Re-Post So-Mark 3/2/2017 – 


Have you and your business joined the 88% of B2B marketers that have built content marketing into their strategy?

Chances are, if you read this blog regularly, you’re at least dipping your toes into the content marketing pool. I just want to let you know that the water is fine! If you need some more encouragement to dive right in take a look at this interesting infographic that lays out the importance of improving your content marketing game and tells you how your peers are working at building it into their marketing approach.

Let’s have a look at what the infographic has to say.

Content marketing isn’t just for B2C.
B2B companies can benefit from content marketing just as much as B2C companies – just look at brands like Adobe and Microsoft. That being said, there are some variations between B2B content marketing and B2C content marketing, including the subject matter, content formats, distribution channels, promotion, and objectives.

The majority of B2B marketers use content marketing.
Last year, the number of B2B marketers using content marketing was 86%. This year, it’s risen to 88%. You could say that content marketing is a popular strategy! But why have so many marketers started using it? It produces sustainable value, helps them to communicate with their clients, and is a great way to exchange information in a meaningful way.

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