Content Marketing Checklist For Small Business Owners


It is not enough to have a presence on Social Media. You need to have a focused strategy. This is where content marketing can help raise your game. Check out this article from that discusses what content marketing is and how to utilize it fully in your marketing campaign. Give us a call if you have any questions or if we can help with your marketing efforts.

Jim Anthony | Founder So-Mark 

Source: | Re-Post So-Mark 8/28/2018 – 

As a small business owner, it is very likely that you have already discovered the power of social media as a marketing tactic. Social media marketing generally costs more time than it does financial investment while having the potential to reach a large number of people, making it the perfect marketing activity for the budget-conscious small business owner. Based on that and many other factors, we know why social media is a staple for any small business owner who wants to reach current and prospective customers and forge relationships that (hopefully) lead to increased sales.

But social media on its own isn’t very effective without a second marketing tactic to back it up. If you don’t have a consistent amount of relevant, unique, interesting and useful content to share on your social media profiles, you are missing the boat, and very likely to revert to a stream of sales messages, which is sure to turn off your social followers. This is where content marketing comes in.

What Content Marketing Is All About

The Content Marketing Institute defines content marketing as: “A strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant, and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly-defined audience — and, ultimately, to drive profitable customer action.” So what does that mean? It means that content marketing is all about knowing who you are trying to reach (target audience), what you want them to do (goals), and creating content that guides them to take action (content strategy).

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