11 Content Creation Tools To Jumpstart Every Small Business’s Marketing Ideas

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As a sales guy for over 25 years I always heard, “nothing happens until somebody sells something”. I disagree. Lately, we’ve been spending some time around So-Mark talking about who we are. Who do we want to be? What do we do? Why do we do it? And we figured something out in the process. We buy more than we sell. Our power comes from buying, not from selling.


How do you make a living buying? Answer: ‘buy’ into your clients mission. It’s weird. We don’t get excited so much about making a sale for So-Mark. What gets us pumped is when a client tells us how our efforts helped them do something really cool for their tribe. Our clients serve kids, families, businesses, homeowners, investors. The list goes on.

We get really excited when we see our content marketing efforts bless those kids, families, businesses and investors our clients serve. Their mission becomes our mission. We’re not trying to sell our customer on using us. We are trying to create real value for our customer’s customer. I wish you could feel my heart pounding right now!

Check out this list of great tools to help you crank out your awesome mission…

Jim Anthony – So-Mark Founder


Orig Post martinburtonline.com | Re-Post So-Mark Consulting 2/3/2016

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For any business to succeed online they will need to produce or share great content to keep their followers engaged with their brand and what they have to say… This doesn’t give you the green light to constantly bombard them with marketing content for your business, services or products, but instead create or share a mixture of content … a ratio to work to 80/20 which is 80% non marketing and 20% marketing this normally gives you the right balance needed.

So where do I get other content from ? And, how can I create my own ? ​Two great questions that I get asked all the time.

Introducing our recommendations for some awesome tools that will help you achieve creating great content….

Content Research Sites​

1. Feedly –

​Feedly is a news aggregator application for various web browsers and mobile devices running iOS and Android, also available as a cloud-based service. It compiles news feeds from a variety of online sources for the user to customize and share with others.

2. Pocket –

Save articles and videos to view in Pocket on any device, anytime. When you find something you want to view later. Great for researching and spying on your competition.

3. Digg –

​Digg is the best place to find the most interesting and talked about stories on the Internet right now. You can visit there website, or the mobile app, plus you can get a daily email straight to your inbox.

4. Google Trends –

​Google Trends is an online search tool that allows the user to see how often specific keywords, subjects and phrases have been queried over a specific period of time.

Now lets look at how you can use your research and turn it into pieces of great content that your followers will love.

Click here for full article…

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